Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Bye Bye Binky

Well it’s been over a week now since we said goodbye to Jack’s favorite friend; the binky. He loved that thing. I remember him going to bed with at least ten of them at one point. That was quite a long time ago, before he turned two.

We reduced his binky time to nighttime and naptime. We did that around 12 months just because he didn’t seem to need it. If he was upset or sick we’d let him have it. He went to the dentist and as I knew he would; he told us to get rid of the binky asap. Apparently it changes the alignment of the jaw. But dentists are always anti binky anyway. The nurse at my doctor’s office said that her 9 yr old daughter sucks her thumb and it’s causing a lot of problems with her jaw and her adult teeth. I certainly don’t want to cause problems for Jack. And while I think that dentists are over-picky about it I do agree that age 3 is old enough to get rid of it.

So on Friday, March 30th we tied them to some balloons and Jack let them go. They went to the moon for the “moon babies” whose mommies and daddies couldn’t afford binkies. And Jack received a thank you letter from them on Monday. He cried and threw a fit for probably 20-30 minutes and then he settled down and I read him a lot of stories. He was really restless and finally fell asleep only 2 hours past his bedtime. He asked for his binky a few times that weekend but hasn’t asked since. He did spend a lot of time talking about the babies who have his binkies and how happy they are. I was surprised at how well he did without them.

1 comment:

Flea said...

What a lovely idea, good on him!