Thursday, September 20, 2007

Baby Gift

We received a package from my brother Steve and his wife. It was full of beautiful blankets and had a couple of toys for the babies. But the most popular gift of all was the glow stick bracelets for Jack (I'm assuming they were for Jack). I was in a bad mood because I had just run over Jack's scooter and gotten it caught under the car. It was a nice mood brightener. Thanks you guys!


Kirsten said...

Glad you like the blankies. Steve mentioned that you mentioned that you needed some warm ones, so we gathered a bunch together. (This way, too, there's enough to cover all the babies and animals when Erica and Megan are older and have set them all over the floor for "naptime".)

For what it's worth, though, Older-DS only had one bottle of breast milk per day for his first 3 or 4 months, as well. His jaundice would not go away while I was breastfeeding, and he would not latch back on properly after having to be bottle feed for that week or so, while he was yellow. Eventually, my supply gave out as I could not set up a routine time between work and taking care of him.

He still turned out OK. At least I like to think so. ;^)

Glow sticks come by way of my mom via Jacky's cousins, who would only get to have them if they promised to send one box to Jack.

Anonymous said...

Yes, the older one did turn out just great--he's a wonderful boy! (genes will tell)

I know that the 'gwils' already have had a wonderful beginning with the breast milk. Do be kind to yourself as you make this decision. Your brother turned out ok, too...