We had a lot of fun at the punkin patch today. Jacky and Daddy went through the hay maze and pet the animals in the petting barn. He rode on the train that you see above in the picture. He had a blast.
Then we came home and waited for our neighbor's birthday party to start. Eric is Jack's best friend and he just turned 12. He is so great with Jack. He lowers the handle on his scooter for Jack to ride it and he comes out to play every time Jack asks him to. And whenever I tell Jack it's time to go in Eric heads toward his door and tells Jack that he needs to go in too. Then Jack doesn't want to stay outside so much. His mom is great too. She's become a good friend. I had had my heart set on a new neighbor with kids Jack's age after the twin 3 yr olds moved. I'm so glad that I didn't get my wish.
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