Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Christmas Cookies

Jack and I baked some of those Christmas cookies that come already cut out on a piece of cardboard. We plan on making real cookies but this was something quick and easy we could do that he really enjoyed. Anyway, I asked him to bring me one and he told me yes but I had to eat the top off first to make it a gingerbread guy (they are shaped like trees) I told him ok. So he brought me half a cookie and told cocked his head to the side and said very sweetly, "There you go mom, I bit the top off for you."

So I asked him to bring me another one and he got two so I asked him who said HE could have another one too. He said almost imperceptibly, "I did." and then, "I love you."

What a ham.

1 comment:

Iris Flavia said...

Tooooo cute - who is the grown-up there again? ;-)