Monday, April 24, 2006

Life Happens

I completed my first day of work today and I have to say I'm rather tired. I worked a grand total of 5.5 hours but then I had household chores to attend to. Jack is in his bed now yelling for me. I've been in there several times. I'm not sure why he's not settling down.
Okay, he needed me to cover him up again. I know it's a big change for him to have me at work but he really ought to be tired enough to go right to sleep. Oh well. Even on his roughest evenings it doesn't take but a 1/2 hour or so for him to fall asleep.

We went letterboxing over the weekend. We found 3 boxes on Saturday and planted one yesterday. We also found a geocache. I'd like to buy a gps thingy so that we would have more luck finding the caches. A letterboxer we've met calls geocaching without a gps thingy "cacheboxing". Sometimes you can find out where the caches are by reading the clues and the comments left by others. The geocaching website is if anyone is interested in that. I prefer letterboxing personally but geocaching is fun too. The object is a little different. Geocachers leave a trinket in the box and take a trinket from the box. Letterboxing involves logging your find into your logbook with the rubber stamp found in the box and vice versa with your personal rubber stamp. Both involve finding clues on the internet. I just love it. I always did love treasure hunts.

Anyway, I better go get ready for tomorrow.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

The weather is beginning to fine up here at last. Letterboxing is on the agenda :o)