Friday, June 08, 2007

Bedrest Blues

I don't know who would call this bedrest. I remember lounging in bed when I was on bedrest with Jack. I spent all day in bed, reading, watching tv, talking on the phone. I barely did a thing. It really helped too, Jack was born early but not as early as he would have been had I been up and about.

This time I have a 3 year old to chase around. There is no lounging in bed, resting. The most rest I get is sitting outside in the lawn chair while he runs around. That works ok too but I know the best position for me is to be laying on my left side.

These babies are very active, I can't tell which is which although the doctors have assured me that eventually I will be able to. It's reassuring to feel the movement. I'm supposed to feel 10 kicks an hour. I usually feel that in 10 or 20 minutes. According to the doctor they are 13 ounces each. According to the books I've read they are around 12 inches each. That's a lot of baby.

Jack had the opportunity to go to the hospital with me on Memorial Day when I was having contractions. He thought the whole thing was just amazing fun. Brett took him for a walk while we were waiting for the meds to kick in. Took him to the cafeteria and bought him dinner. He got to see the babies on the ultrasound machine. When the doctor wheeled it out Jack said "Where's he taking my babies?" I told him they were still in my belly and he felt better. He's since been to the doctor with me twice and thoroughly enjoyed that. They had cars for him to play with. He did pretty well. I had to stay an hour for a glucose test to check for diabetes. That was a bit of a challenge. I ended up taking Jack to the car and hanging out there for awhile. He just couldn't handle sitting in the waiting area quietly.

I guess I have gestational diabetes. They are having me monitor my blood sugar levels instead of having me do the three hour test. I think the numbers have been pretty good, they don't seem high to me but what do I know? Maybe I don't have it, maybe my numbers were just high on that one occasion. I can always hope.


Flea said...

So ... you're a lady of leisure now!!
Enjoy every bit of it.

Steve said...

Boy, any reason to lay around, huh?
Take care of yourself, and be well.

HLiza said...

Nowadays there 2 ways to confirm diabetes; one is to do the Glucose Tolerance Test which needs you to come back one hour after drinking the glucose solution, the other one is just by monitoring your blood glucose levels. You must have known by now whether you have the gestational diabetes or not.
Boy, looking at that chart of feels time flies so fast! Hang're reaching there soon..September is just a blink away!