Saturday, March 07, 2009

Things have been going pretty well. I have been at my position for 6 months now. Three more and I will be permanent! Yeah!

Jack is now a big 5 year old. He is enjoying playing basketball on a team at the YMCA. Right now he is watching "Beverly Hills Chicky-wa-wa" with his dad. The other night he said, "Can I ask you a personal question?" I was thinking, what kind of personal question does a five year old even know about? So I said ok. He said, "What do you do when your pants are on fire?" Hmmm. Pretty personal.

The girls are so funny. Megan has this throaty laugh and she laughs whenever we do. It is so cute to hear her laugh.

The girls and I went to Ladies Night Out last night. It was pretty fun until Erica ate part of a napkin and threw up at me. Today Jack and I went to Dino Day at the Burke Museum at the University of Washington in Seattle. My friend told me about it. It was a fun day. At least it was until I came home to find my baby with a fever. My poor little Erica is sick. She has a 102.3 fever and is coughing and lethargic. The girls have been sick over and over. At least she had a week or two between the last illness and this one. They were getting sick with something new before getting over what they had before. It's been a really rough winter.

Well I need to go now. I hope everyone is doing well.

1 comment:

HLiza said...

Good you're blogging all this! Since I don't keep journals, I normally write all this in my blog..things for me to remember and smile about in the future. Jack is already playing basketball! Wow...we're not so much into sports 7-yr old still can't catch a ball..